Syngenta Herbicide Calaris (A.i: Mesotrionen 2.2%, Atrazine 22.73% ) 4L

Syngenta Herbicide Calaris (A.i: Mesotrionen 2.2%, Atrazine 22.73% ) 4L

Category: Herbicide


This herbicide is a post-emergence herbicide containing two active ingredients from the "triketone" group (HRAC F2) and the "triazine" group (HRAC C1), which act by contact and systemic action. It is absorbed through the phloem system of the leaves and the xylem system of the roots of weeds, providing broad-spectrum control to control broadleaf and dicot weeds, as well as narrow-leaf and monocot weeds. Weeds will die after two weeks of spraying the herbicide, in addition, it also has a residual effect that controls weeds for 6 weeks, depending on the weed species and weather conditions.

Syngenta Calaris® 25SC Herbicide is mainly used for control below weeds:                                                                                                                             
  - Rumput Sambau (Eleusine indica)                                                                        
  - Ara Tanah (Euphorbia heterophylla)                                                                   
  - Jelamparan (Digitaria longiflora, Digitaria ciliaris)                                                                           
  - Akar Ruas-ruas (Asystasia intrusa)                                                                       
  - Maman (Cleome rutidosperma)                                                                           
  - Rumput Bunga Satuan (Cyperus esculentus)                                   

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